[分享]空服面試100題 由 莎莎喵ELSA 喵哥 週六 6月 28日, 2008年 1:38 am 這是以前飛喵喵的線上姐姐準備空服面試的100問 提供給各位想考空服的喵喵們做準備 用英文好好準備這100題 (有100嗎?我沒算過) 可以訓練英文表達能力、思考能力,還有回答問題的自信 但可千萬別寫下答案再全部背下來呀 考官們閱人無數,絕對看得出來你在背書的 題目是死的,人是靈活的,切記! Problem Solving Can you work under pressure? What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness? What have you done to correct your weaknesses? Have you ever failed? What is your biggest failure? How do you handle failure? How do you handle change? When you are in charge, how do you motivate people? Describe a time when you resolved a conflict? How do you handle conflict? Previous Employment What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job? Why have you held so many jobs? Do you consider yourself a loyal employee? What did you like about your last job? What did you dislike about your last job? What was your favorite job? What was your least favorite job? What have you learned from previous jobs? How long will you stay with our airline? What would your coworkers say about you? What would your previous supervisors say about you? What were the people like at your last company? What did you dislike about your last employer? If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be? Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job? Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance? Have you ever been fired? If so, why were you fired? Have you ever been asked to resign from another job? What will your references say? Can we check your references? How many sick days did you take last year? Is this typical? Personality and Motivation Do you consider yourself a success? Were you ever under a great deal of pressure? What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you? Why has it taken you so long to find a job? Why do you want to be a flight attendant? What part of being a flight attendant interests you most? What kind of contributions will you make to our airline? Where else are you interviewing? Have you applied to other airlines? When are you available to start? What are your outstanding qualities? What interests you most about being a flight attendant? What can you do for us that others can't? Describe a difficult problem you've dealt with. How important is appearance? What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant? What is the best part of being a flight attendant? Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you? What do you like to do in your spare time? How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker? Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? By whom? Do you ever freeze in social situations? Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it? Are you skilled at sizing people up? Have you ever been part of a problem? Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management, even when you disagreed with it? Have you ever lied? Have you ever broken a law? Have you ever stolen something? Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful? How did you handle it? Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy? What did you do? Why do you want to work for our airline? What kind of experience do you have? Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you? What would you like to be doing ten years from now? Why should we hire you? What are your qualifications? What is your biggest accomplishment? What are your career goals? How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals? What personal characteristic best describes you. Do you prefer to work alone or with others? Do you consider yourself a team player? Describe your team style. Are you self motivated? What motivates you? Describe your relationship with peers. What kind of people do you prefer to work with? Describe your personality? How do you handle criticism? Were you ever unfairly criticized? Skills Do you read, write and/or speak a foreign language? Are you willing to learn a foreign language? Are you a leader or a follower? What have you learned from your previous jobs? What kind of employee are you? What was your favorite subject in school? What was your least favorite subject in school? Tell us about your leadership skills. What was your major success as a leader? What was your major failure as a leader? What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy? Whose leadership qualities have you most respected? Have you incorporated his/her leadership qualities? Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? How did it work out? What are your assets? Whom do you most admire? Other Questions What bases does our airline have? What type of aircraft? Who is the president of our company? How long has our airline been in existence? How do you feel about the airline industry? How do you feel about being away from home frequently? How do you feel about relocating? How do you feel about unions? What do you feel is the role of unions? Why do you want to leave your previous employer? Will we find anything on our background search that you'd like to discuss now? Is there anything you would like to discuss? Do you have any questions?我是莎喵,莎喵是我 莎莎喵ELSA 新手喵喵 ------ 看了莎喵姊姊的熱心.我也來分享飛外商考官全英文對話考古題分享,出處飛喵喵 英文中文化翻譯:安琪姊姊 考官口試 實戰分享: 考官:請問你曾經出過國嗎? 考生:是的,我去年在加拿大做過一年的交換學生。 考官:請問你在那裡做什麼呢? 考生:我主要是在那裡學英文。每一天我們都有英文的課程。 考官:你喜歡在加拿大的生活嗎? 考生:喔!我非常喜歡!在那裡我和一個加拿大的家庭生活了一年,到現在我和這個家庭的成員, 彼此都還有聯絡。我也遇到來自許多不同國家的交換學生,還跟他們成為 朋友,至今我們都還有聯絡。我想這是我這一生中非常珍貴的經驗。我的夢想就是有一天到不同的國家去拜訪他們。 考官:你在加拿大的時候有到處去走走嗎? 考生:有,我曾經到過幾個旅遊景點,像是卡爾加里、班福、多倫多和尼加拉瓜瀑布。 我還曾經去過美國的西岸,像是西雅圖、舊金山、洛杉磯和聖地牙哥。 考官:你真的去過不少的地方,非常謝謝你的分享。 考官:請問王先生,你曾經出過國嗎? 考生:是的,去年的時候我曾經到過紐西蘭就讀,在奧克蘭待了大約三個月。 考官:我從來沒有到過南半球,那裡一定很有趣。 考生:在南半球有一些東西和北半球是相反的,比如陽光是從北方照射而不是南方; 在冬天時,南半球吹的是寒冷的南風,而夏天時它吹的是溫暖的北風;月亮的 圓缺也是相反的。最特別的是一種長嘴無翅的鳥叫鷸鴕,真是可愛極了。 考官:真的很有趣。你的英文能力在那三個月有進步嗎? 考生:說實話,我認為說的能力要在三個月之內有明顯的進步是非常困難的,但是 我相信我聽的能力是進步了。 考官:你喜歡在奧克蘭的生活嗎? 考生:我非常喜歡,因為在奧克蘭有許多不同的民族和種族,像是歐洲人、毛利人 、玻里尼西亞人、和亞洲人,我嘗試他們各種道地的風味佳肴,也學習他們的文化。 我希望我能夠很快的再回去看看。考官:我也希望你能心想事成,謝謝你的分享。 主考官:請問你為什麼想要申請空服員這份工作? 考生: 老實說,我以前並不知道有男性的空服員,直到我去香港旅遊,在航機上看見有幾位 男空服在值勤。我一直以為空服員只有女性,所以我感到非常新鮮。我仔細地觀察這份工作 所扮演的角色與值勤的內容,我發現這份工作所需要的不只是服務的技巧而已,我仔細地觀 察這份工作所扮演的角色與值勤的內容,我發現這份工作所需要的不只是服務的技巧而已, 身為男性而言,我認為這是值得挑戰的。相信自己很適合這份工作。 主考官:我瞭解了。請問你為什麼覺得這份工作需要生理與心理的條件? 考生: 因為空服員不僅要使乘客感到舒適,還要顧及航機的安全。所以我認為空服員必須具 備生理與心理的條件。 主考官:我想你將空服這個行業所扮演的角色與值勤的內容詮釋得很好。 考生:謝謝長官。我相信我的技能與經驗能夠對貴公司與貴公司的乘客有所貢獻。 考官:王先生,請問你的興趣是什麼? 考生:有時候我會練習日文的書法和文字的書寫。我也喜歡打羽球,一個星期打兩次。 考官:你多久寫一次書法?你有任何書法鑑定的級別嗎? 考生:我每個月都有一堂書法課程,現在我擁有第四級的級別。我嘗試在書法方面有更好 的造詣並取得更高的級別,但更重要的是,書法幫助我保持心靈的沈澱和平靜。 考官:我明白了。請問你有參加羽球社團嗎? 考生:有,我參加一個當地的羽球聯誼社團,有時候也指導一些會員打羽球。 考官:所以你定打得非常好! 考生:我打羽球已經七年了,我真的非常喜愛打羽球也喜歡和別人一起交流、切磋。 考官:你能夠有一個規律的運動來保持身體的健康真的是很好。 考生:我也這麼認為。雖然羽球看起來好像很難,但是不論技術如何,任何人都能夠享受 打羽球的樂趣。 考官:希望將來有機會能夠請你教我如何打羽球。 考生:那將會是我的榮幸! 考官:林小姐,我想請問你為何想要成為一位空服員? 考生:有幾個原因。但最主要的,是我從小時候開始就夢想有一天能夠成為一個空服員。 以前,我父母和我每一年都搭機前往福岡探望我的祖父母,在我十歲那年的暑假, 我父母親決定讓我獨自前往福岡,在我抵達登機門前一切都很順利,但我一登機 就變得很緊張很苦惱,那時就有一位空服員向我微笑並和我交談,並且在航程中 非常照顧我。因此,當我自己一個人飛回東京的旅程中,就沒有任何問題了。事 實上,在那之後,我一直期待再搭乘飛機,我一直渴望能成為一位空服員,就像 那個航班上照顧我的那位空服員一樣。 考官:這是一個很棒的經驗,可以請你和我們分享其他使你想成為空服員的理由嗎? 考生:當然!去年一年我曾經在加拿大學習英文。那是我第一次搭乘國際線的航班,所 以我很興奮。因為我一直有興趣要成為空服員,所以整個航程中,我觀察空服人 員更多有關他們值勤的內容和扮演的角色。我瞭解到他們的工作和他們的角色很 難很辛苦,除了供應飲料和餐點,還要照顧生病的旅客、確保航機的安全與舒適、 以及負責處理有關安全上或是緊急的事件,所以我變得更想要成為一位空服員。 考官:非常謝謝你。 考官:林小姐,請問你有兼職的工作嗎? 考生:有,在每一個週末我有一份兼職的工作。 考官:請問是怎樣的工作? 考生:我在一家國際級飯店中的咖啡廳作服務員。 考官:那裡有許多來自國外的客人嗎? 考生:是的。大約有一半的客人來自國外。 考官:主要是來自美國嗎? 考生:有許多的客人來自美國,但也有一些是來自亞洲與歐洲的國家。最近,有越來 越多的客人來自中東地區的國家,像是阿拉伯聯合大公國和卡達。 考官:所以那真是一個國際化的環境。客人來自哪些亞洲和歐洲的國家? 考生:亞洲主要是來自中國、台灣、韓國、菲律賓、印度、馬來西亞、和新加坡,而 歐洲主要是來自德國、法國、與英國。 考官:所以你有許多說英語的機會。 考生:除了必須說英語,我還必須學習有關客人的文化與宗教分面的知識。 考官:你一定相當具有文化方面的知識與意識。 考生:我相信我是。 續... 出處飛喵喵空服網 英文中文化翻譯:安琪姊姊 整理:喵哥喵哥哥