1 頁 (共 2 頁)

Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-05-12, 18:20
除了5/22的東京, 5/24-5/25的大阪, 六月份的AD只剩下澳門囉~
OD也只舉辦在歐美兩洲, 看來亞洲的確前景不看好, 有興趣的人可以考慮一下~

Macau, Macau
Ref No: CC/BB/14914 19-Jun-2010 09:00 am Register Now
Remarks: Preliminary Selections will be done in conjunction with our appointed agency SASS Atlantic.

https://ekgrpapplications.emirates.com/ ... b=/english

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-13, 18:03
是只要在線上登錄,收到邀請函後就可以參加AD嗎? 謝謝

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-13, 19:30
澳門的AD是在網站上登錄之後, 由SASS進行第一步的篩選, 有收到邀請函的才能前往參加AD
這是我的認知, 如果哪裡有疏忽的地方, 還請大家幫忙糾正, 謝謝~

如果妳是居住在澳門, 或者剛好安排要前往澳門旅行的喵, 就大膽的申請吧
非以上兩者, 但是有預算與假期的喵, 其實也可以試試看, 收到通知再訂機票飯店跟請假囉~

雖然阿酋因為亞洲空服員已經飽和, 大大減少了在亞洲的招募
但我想如果他們能夠感受到我們的熱情, 應該還是願意再來亞洲走走的~

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-21, 13:38
或者通常是AD的前幾週? 謝謝!

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-22, 23:06

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-22, 23:06

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-24, 09:39
RK1688 寫:請問網路登入有沒有規定什麼時間內要報名完?
或者通常是AD的前幾週? 謝謝!
如果資料都備齊了, 就盡早登錄吧, 畢竟SASS也需要時間檢閱妳的資料呀
祝各位喵喵都能順利取得Macau AD的門票囉 :)

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-26, 02:00

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19

發表於 : 2010-05-26, 16:11
Hi everybody

怎麼會醬?! :( (錯愕)

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-05-26, 17:10
:!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
真的被拿掉了, 而且UK還連辦兩場, 哈哈, 這麼喜歡歐洲人呀
看來大家就隨時把自己調整在最佳狀態, 繼續期待接下來的招募吧 :wink:

不過剛剛看了一下OD的資訊, 多了個香港的場次, 有興趣/假期/預算的喵就去看看囉

Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ref No: CC/BB/14914 12-Jun-2010 09:00 am - 4:00 pm Hongkong International Trade & Exhibitions Centre (HITEC)
1 Trademart Drive,
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Room III

Walk in anytime from 9am to 4pm Register Now
Remarks: Preliminary Selections will be done in conjunction with our appointed agency SASS Atlantic.

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-05-27, 22:54
請問一下 您如何知道香港有open day
我進去她們的網站 並沒有看見相關訊息


Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-05-27, 23:04
janiswang 寫:請問一下 您如何知道香港有open day
我進去她們的網站 並沒有看見相關訊息

因為最近常常瀏覽阿酋的網頁, 發現到了我們的晚上, OD的頁面總是會變成空白, 但是AD卻是正常的
不過今天早上我在公司查詢的時候, OD的頁面是正常的, 而且香港的OD是還在的唷
只是不知道會不會哪天又被拿掉, 搞的我現在都不太敢把資訊貼上來, 免得被誤會是亂放話(笑)
建議喵喵可以換個時間再試著查詢看看囉~ :wink:

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-05-30, 11:15
kaychen622 寫:
janiswang 寫:請問一下 您如何知道香港有open day
我進去她們的網站 並沒有看見相關訊息

因為最近常常瀏覽阿酋的網頁, 發現到了我們的晚上, OD的頁面總是會變成空白, 但是AD卻是正常的
不過今天早上我在公司查詢的時候, OD的頁面是正常的, 而且香港的OD是還在的唷
只是不知道會不會哪天又被拿掉, 搞的我現在都不太敢把資訊貼上來, 免得被誤會是亂放話(笑)
建議喵喵可以換個時間再試著查詢看看囉~ :wink:
well, you should try Firefox.
When I use "E" to check OD and AD, only can see the AD not OD.
try firefox.

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-05-31, 14:08
Terrence 寫:
kaychen622 寫:
因為最近常常瀏覽阿酋的網頁, 發現到了我們的晚上, OD的頁面總是會變成空白, 但是AD卻是正常的
不過今天早上我在公司查詢的時候, OD的頁面是正常的, 而且香港的OD是還在的唷
只是不知道會不會哪天又被拿掉, 搞的我現在都不太敢把資訊貼上來, 免得被誤會是亂放話(笑)
建議喵喵可以換個時間再試著查詢看看囉~ :wink:
well, you should try Firefox.
When I use "E" to check OD and AD, only can see the AD not OD.
try firefox.
Thank you, Terrence, since I use same browser both at home and in the office, I think the problem may also be related to the setting of proxy and router. Per my understanding, internet service in my office is routed to Malaysia and my current proxy is set as USA. (Well, I know it's kind of complicated >"<a) But anyway, congratulation on your success in the EK recruitment in NY, please share more with us after you reloacte to Dubai. :wink:

Re: Emirates Macau AD Jun. 19 (Cancelled)

發表於 : 2010-06-01, 06:13
kaychen622 寫:
Terrence 寫:
kaychen622 寫:
因為最近常常瀏覽阿酋的網頁, 發現到了我們的晚上, OD的頁面總是會變成空白, 但是AD卻是正常的
不過今天早上我在公司查詢的時候, OD的頁面是正常的, 而且香港的OD是還在的唷
只是不知道會不會哪天又被拿掉, 搞的我現在都不太敢把資訊貼上來, 免得被誤會是亂放話(笑)
建議喵喵可以換個時間再試著查詢看看囉~ :wink:
well, you should try Firefox.
When I use "E" to check OD and AD, only can see the AD not OD.
try firefox.
Thank you, Terrence, since I use same browser both at home and in the office, I think the problem may also be related to the setting of proxy and router. Per my understanding, internet service in my office is routed to Malaysia and my current proxy is set as USA. (Well, I know it's kind of complicated >"<a) But anyway, congratulation on your success in the EK recruitment in NY, please share more with us after you reloacte to Dubai. :wink:

Thanks! I am very happy I have this chance can work for EK.
If I have time, I will share more EK stories with everyone. but recently just sooooo busy....sooooo busy being lazy!!

Now I am still in America, heading back to Taiwan finish my rest of medicals very soon.
My date of joining is July 5.
Hope everything will work out very well!

Good luck you all!